
Last Friday Nighht

 It's Friday, Friday, gonna get down on Friday..

   More like gonna do nothing and get home schooled on Friday?
What in the world am I talking about you might ask? Well my mother has been thinking about home schooling me. I don't know much about home schooling but what I do know is that I'm not going to like it. She say that I'm not taking this summerschool thing seriously.
   I'd told her countless times that I'm working so very hard. 
As usual she never believes me. Why tell the truth when you never believe me anyways?
She figures, "Since you're on the computer all day anyways, you won't mind doing the computer programs at home for school."
And that my dear, is called instigating.  The tutor said, all I need to do is get in the habit of studying, and you want to home school me? You have absolutely no faith in me.
   I spend 3 hours a day in both Math and English. i had approaching, approaching, which means all I have to do is study, and I'm in, as the teacher told me.
   I don't even know what to do anymore, I just want to live with my dad, ~sigh~

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